Cham, 08.11.2023

Urgent repair of manhole covers

From Thursday to Friday this week, manhole covers will be repaired on the Zugerstrasse in Cham. To avoid major problems with traffic, some of the work will be carried out at night, according to a recent statement from the canton.

The night work affects the area from the Mugerenstrasse to the Knonauerstrasse, and will take place from 2 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. on Thursday and Friday, the 9th and 10th November 2023.

The section of the Zugerstrasse affected b< the work
The area in red will be involved                                  
Source: Google Maps screenshot

Traffic will be guided past the construction site in single-lane traffic using traffic services. Access and exit to the adjacent properties are guaranteed, apart from short interruptions. Every effort will be made to keep noise emissions as low as possible.

AS the completion of the repair work is heavily dependent on the weather, postponements cannot be ruled out. In the event of bad weather, the construction work will be postponed until the next night (except on weekends).