Zug, 01.05.2020

Schools set up protection concepts

The obligatory Zug schools will re-open their doors on 11 May. The schools are now completing their protection concepts.

The Federal Council's requirements in connection with the opening of compulsory schools are being translated into school-specific protection concepts. According to the press release of the Cantonal Education Directorate  (Bildungsdirektion), the work is now in full swing. The municipal schools will inform parents about their protection concepts by 5 May. Until then, patience is required. The special and private schools in Zug will also directly inform the parents. Together with the schools, the music schools and the extracurricular care will also re-open, and have drawn up the corresponding protection concepts.

The Matura (baccalaureate) will take place, but not the Berufsmatura (vocational baccalaureate), while the Fachmatura (specialised baccalaureate) are still undecided.

The Federal Council has not yet specified the protection concepts for the schools after the obligatory schooling, which are due to open on 8 June. The Lower Grammar School (Untergymnasium) is counted as a secondary school, and is therefore part of the post-obligatory schooling.

The written final and school-leaving certificate examinations of the cantonal secondary schools (Mittelschulen) will take place in compliance with the hygiene measures. An exception here is the Business Middle School (Wirtschaftsmittelschule), which is not permitted to carry out the vocational baccalaureate examination due to today's decision of the Federal Council. The examinations of the technical secondary schools (Fachmittelschulen) are still undecided, for which the canton of Zug would like a similar solution as for grammar schools (Gymnasien). The decision of the Conference of Education Directors will be taken at the weekend.

From 11 May, this kickboard stand in the Guthirt schoolhouse in Zug will probably have a higher occupancy. Compulsory school classes begin again then.

"I prefer a patchwork carpet to a uniform cancellation of all the ‘Matura’ examinations," says Landammann Stephan Schleiss regarding the Federal Council's decision in the communication. And: "I owe the students a final exam – and am therefore glad that we are allowed to carry out the written Matura exams."

Principles of the protection concepts for the obligatory schools: