Baar, 20.01.2021

Mental coach convinced: a lot of women's potential is not being used

Tanja Kunz specifically supports women with her coaching program. She explains why this is still necessary today, and why women should release themselves from the victim role.

Female Power Coaching is the name of the company that Tanja Kunz founded last March – precisely on the day on which the lockdown started. But she didn’t let herself be disheartened by this, because what applies to the company also applies to the founder: full force ahead. "With my self-developed coaching program, I help women to become convincing in everyday work," explains the 33-year-old from Graubünden, who has been living in Baar for some time now. "As a mental mountain guide, I accompany ambitious power women, who have been overlooked in their profession despite their skills and competences, to the peak of their potential," she says, describing both herself and her task.

That the concept is working is not only shown by the demand, but also by the success at the "Entrepreneur Awards 2020". Tanja Kunz and her company were among the three finalists in the category of ‘Sole Proprietors without Employees’ - after less than a year of operation. She was given the opportunity to present her company to a jury and to thereby expand her network. The awards will be presented by the Business Expo. "The nomination proves to me once again that anything is possible," says Tanja Kunz. Presenting your company in the form of a ‘pitch’ - a short, persuasive performance - was challenging, but at the same time exciting and instructive. The 33-year-old does not shy away from challenges:

"I can't settle down in a comfort zone for long. I have to keep moving, I need the excitement,"" she says.

The same is true of her clients during her 12-week coaching sessions. "It is primarily aimed at women who are overlooked in business, and who have the feeling that they are not moving forward."

Alone among men
Kunz thereby deliberately detaches herself from the victim-perpetrator attributions that are often dominant in the gender debate. "It takes a different dynamic, in which women have to work on themselves. They have it in their own hands to position themselves differently, to believe in themselves." During a meeting, for example, it’s often women who keep the minutes, and then ask themselves why they don’t receive more attention, she explains by way of example:

"I myself had to deal with it. I was looking for my role, Wondering why I wasn't being heard."

Photo 1: Women’s demo
Photo 2: Tanja Kunz

Picture: Andrea Lobsiger

After an apprenticeship in banking, Tanja Kunz studied economics, and worked in a male-dominated industry. "At my last employer, I had to organize a customer event. I was the only woman there, among 100 men. I wondered, how can this still be the case today?" The advancement of women had been an issue before, but this situation made her notice how her inner fire was burning for this cause.

She started her training as a qualified mental coach, and became self-employed. "From the very beginning, success proved that I was right," she says - she had the first enquiry in the very first week. In order not to be fixed to a location or by time, she carries out her coaching sessions online – which has proven to be a goof thing in the Corona period. Her customers include women from a wide range of industries and life. Those who want to change the industry, mothers who want to return to work, or managers who are unsure of themselves.

"The coaching is individual, but the core is often the same: self-confidence, self-awareness and insecurities."

A course lasts twelve weeks, and costs between CHF 1,900 and CHF 5,000, depending on the intensity. During the first six weeks it's about your own mindset: What do I want? What do I bring with me? What is the optimal scenario? The second part is about carrying these inner changes outwards: How do I show myself? What do I stand for? How do I want to be seen?

"Time management is a big topic here," she adds.

A good time for change
The process is liberating and encouraging for many women, but also uplifting. "It takes courage, but it's small steps that are taken. So the development is not overwhelming." The topic is often the question of what could be the worst that could happen. "Women are plagued by doubts, expect the worst-case scenario, and this is deeply rooted," says Kunz. This discourse cannot be resolved today and tomorrow. Nevertheless, now is the time for change. "Men are also open to this," she is convinced.

Tanja Kunz offers her program to private clients. But she is already working on the development of a programme for the internal promotion of women in companies. "I firmly believe that there is a lot of potential for women. Women should show themselves. And that's what drives me."

More information about Tanja Kunz and her offer can be found here.