Zug, 04.10.2022

Government and cantonal council elections 2022

The decisions as to who will lead cantonal politics in the 2023 legislature until the end of 2026 were made in the voting on Sunday – an overview.

Elections to the Government Council of Zug (Regierungsrat)
Final results from all 11 municipalities as at 2 October 2022

All the candidates seeking re-election successfully retained their seats. One new candidate, Laura Dittli, Mitte (Central) party was elected to the Government Council. The 31-year old actually achieved the second-best vote, after Martin Pfister. The Mitte party thereby successfully defended the seat formerly held by Beat Villiger (Mitte party), who retired for health reasons. The left-wing parties (SP, ALG, GHLP) failed to win any seats.

The following persons were elected:

Martin Pfister                             (Mitte, previous, 21,894 votes)

Laura Dittli                                  (Mitte, new candidate, 21,013 votes)

Andreas Hostettler                    (FDP, previous, 20,647 votes)

Florian Weber                             (FDP, previous, 20,492 votes)

Silvia Thalmann-Gut                  (Mitte, previous, 20,087 votes)

Heinz Tännler                             (SVP, previous, 19,203 votes)

Stephan Schleiss                       (SVP, previous, 18,379 votes)

Not elected:

Tabea Zimmermann Gibson    (ALG, new, 11,739 votes),  

Tabea Estermann                      (GLP, new, 11,667 votes),  

Adi Hadodo                                (Auftrecht Zug, new, 3636 votes). 

New Government Councillor Laura Dittli with Martin Pfister (MItte party)
Distribution of seats in the Cantonal council
The new Zug Government Council (Regierungsrat) (from the left): Heinz Tännler (SVP), Andreas Hostettler (FDP), Martin Pfister (Mitte), Silvia Thalmann (Mitte), Laura Dittli (Mitte), Florian Weber (FDP), Stephan Schleiss (SVP).
Tabea Zimmermann Gibson (ALG) already seems to suspect that defeat is on the horizon.


Elections to the Cantonal Council of Zug 2022 (Kantonsrat: 80 seats available)

The new parliament of the canton of Zug has an average age of 45 years, less than a third are women and three quarters of it consists of previous cantonal councillors.

Final allocation of seats by party (see also graphic)

The Mitte:  19 seats (-2 seats)         (Centre party)

FDP:           18 seats (+1 seat)           (Liberal democratic party)

SVP:           18 seats (unchanged)     (Swiss Peoples’ party)

ALG:           11 seats (unchanged)     (Alternative-Left-Green party)

SP:               8 seats (-1 seat)             (Socialist party)

GLP:            6 seats (+2 seats)          (Green Liberal party)

The following persons were elected per municipality as cantonal councillors

Zug (19 seats): Gregor Bruhin (SVP), Philip C. Brunner (SVP), Benny Elsener (Die Mitte), Tabea Estermann (GLP), Michael Felber (Die Mitte), Luzian Franzini (ALG), Joëlle Gautier (GLP), Barbara Gysel (SP), Christian Hegglin (SP), Rainer Leemann (FDP), Adrian Moos (FDP), Stefan Moos (FDP), Adrian Risi (SVP), Patrick Röösli (Die Mitte), Etienne Schumpf (FDP), Rupan Sivaganesan (SP), Vroni Straub-Müller (ALG),  Stéphanie Vuichard (ALG) and Tabea Zimmermann Gibson (ALG)

Baar (15 seats): Pirmin Andermatt (Die Mitte), Urs Andermatt (FDP), Michael Arnold (FDP), Mirjam Arnold-Herrmann (Die Mitte), Karl Bürgler (FDP), Ivo Egger (ALG), Hans Küng (SVP), Isabel Liniger (SP), Andreas Lustenberger (ALG), Michael Riboni (SVP), Adrian Rogger (SVP), Barbara Schmid-Häseli (Die Mitte), Oliver Wandfluh (SVP), Ronahi Yener (SP) and Martin Zimmermann (GLP)

Cham (11 seats):Drin Alaj (SP), Thomas Gander (FDP), Erich Grob (Die Mitte), Esther Haas (ALG), Manuela Käch (Die Mitte), Fabienne Michel (GLP), Jean Luc Mösch (Die Mitte), Jill Nussbaumer (FDP), Michèle Schuler (SP), Rainer Suter (SVP) and Brigitte Wenzin Widmer (SVP)

Risch (7): Kurt Balmer (Die Mitte), Alexander Haslimann (SVP), Patrik Kretz (SVP), Hanni Schriber-Neiger (ALG), Reto Vogel (GLP), Roger Wiederkehr (Die Mitte) and Helene Zimmermann (FDP)

Steinhausen (6 seats): Carina Brüngger (FDP), Andreas Hausheer (Die Mitte), Thomas Meierhans (Die Mitte), Anastas Odermatt (ALG), Marc Reichmuth (SVP) and Mario Reinschmidt (FDP)

Unterägeri (6): Jost Arnold (FDP), Fabio Iten (Die Mitte), Klemens Iten (GLP), Beat Iten (SP), Esther Monney-Rogenmoser (SVP) and Thomas Werner (SVP)

Hünenberg (5): Heinz Achermann (Die Mitte), Anna Bieri (Die Mitte), Rita Hofer (ALG), Jeffrey Illi (SVP) and Eva Maurenbrecher (FDP)

Oberägeri (4): Laura Dittli* (Die Mitte), Andreas Iten (ALG), Peter Letter (FDP), Raphael Wiser (SVP)

Menzingen (3): Simon Leuenberger (Die Mitte), Tom Magnusson (FDP) and Karl Nussbaumer (SVP)

Neuheim (2): Flurin Grond (FDP) and Emil Schweizer (SVP)

Walchwil (2): Christophe Lanz (FDP) and Peter Rust (Die Mitte)

Not elected

Alois Gössi (Baar/SP), Patrick Iten* (Oberägeri/Die Mitte), Virginia Köpfli (Hünenberg/SP), Daniel Marti (Zug/GLP), Markus Simmen (Neuheim/Die Mitte), Claus Soltermann (Cham/GLP), Guido Suter (Walchwil/SP), Karen Umbach (Zug/FDP)

*) Following the List system in proportional representation, Patrick Iten for the Mitte party in Oberägeri can move up as the first substitute for Laura Dittli, who was elected to the government council.