Zug, 30.10.2023

City resident celebrates 101st birthday

Severina Renggli-Broseghini celebrated her 101st birthday on Sunday at the Herti retirement centre. Mayor André Wicki brought the congratulations of the city council and a gift.

Patrizia Hotz spoke on behalf of the jubilarian about her eventful and eventful life. she grew up as the second oldest of six siblings in Baselga di Piné (Trentino province) in Italy. There, she was only allowed to attend school until the 6th grade, because she had to earn money for the family. Even when she was a child, she had to clean in a hotel in the evenings after school. She didn’t receive any wages; they were sent directly to her mother. She said that she often prayed to God and asked him to take her to him and save her.

Mayor André Wicki conveyed his congratulations               Photo: zvg

When her younger siblings were also able to work, things became a little easier for them. At the age of 20, she and four of her siblings were sent to Switzerland to work at Landis & Gyr in Zug. This was where she met her future husband.

She married at the age of 20 and gave birth to two daughters. Her husband worked at Rigi Kulm, but unfortunately died early. Severina Renggli worked all her life and, as a working mother, she hardly had any time for hobbies. Only after her retirement was she able to go on vacation in her home country and devote herself to her hobby of collecting mushrooms.