Hünenberg, 10.01.2024

Call for witnesses after accident on A4 motorway

There was an accident on the A4 motorway near Hünenberg at around 6:30 p.m. on Monday evening, 8 January.

The accident occurred between the Rütihof and Lindencham junction, in the direction of Zug. For reasons not yet known, two cars came into side-to-side contact with each other during a lane change manoeuvre.

A 26-year-old woman driver and a 47-year-old male driver were involved in the accident. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the damage to the vehicles amounted to several thousand Swiss francs.

Call for witnesses
As the statements of the two people involved in the accident are completely different, the police are now looking for witnesses. Anyone who observed the incident and can provide information about what happened is asked to contact the Zug Police Operations Control Centre (tel: 041 728 41 41).

Source of the report: Cantonal Police Zug