
Chairman and three others quit board of Crypto Valley Association

The chairman of the Crypto Valley Association (CVA), Oliver Bussmann, along with three other founding members of the board, René Husler, Nicolas Schobinger and Vasily Suvarov, have announced they will not stand for re-election in January. They say that after two “enriching” years, the time had come for new members of the board to be appointed.

In recent months, the board had faced some criticism, with Bussmann (photograph), who owns a consulting firm in Zug, charged with allegedly using the network of the not-for-profit CVA association to promote his own interests.

Then, last year, there was further criticism when Maria Gomez and Jenna Zenk were appointed to the board, not least after they were only given five minutes to present themselves, a procedure which was regarded as misogynistic. However, as René Husler, who is also the head of the School of IT at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (in Rotkreuz), explained, men were subject to the same selection procedure.

When Bussmann was asked by a journalist of the Zuger Zeitung whether he would like to elaborate on this joint statement of resignation, he declined, other than to say that it was up to the new members of the board to continue the path already embarked on and in doing so, ensure Zug, Zurich and Switzerland continued to play a leading role in the furtherance of blockchain technology.