According to the latest statistics, there are 1,442 people registered as unemployed in the canton, three fewer than last month.
Nevertheless, the rate of unemployment in Zug, at 2.1 per cent, remains the highest in the whole of central Switzerland. When compared with November of 2017, however, this rate has fallen by 0.2 per cent.
The total number of unemployed people in central Switzerland in November amounted to 6,945, up by 314 on the previous month, but a fall of 922 when compared with November of last year.
When viewed by numbers, the canton of Lucerne has most unemployed people in central Switzerland, namely 3,765, an increase of 188 on the previous month, causing the rate of unemployment to increase there from 1.6 to1.7 per cent.
As to the canton of Schwyz,1,132 people are registered unemployed there, up by 55 on the previous month, leading to the rate rising to 1.3 per cent, compared with 1.8 per cent in November of last year. This also means that the canton had the sharpest fall in unemployment of all the six central Swiss cantons.
The other three central Swiss cantons all had low levels of unemployment,1.0 per cent in Uri, for example, with 0.8 per cent in Obwalden and 1.1 per cent in Nidwalden. In all three of these cantons levels of unemployment were higher than last month but lower than November of 2017.
As to the level of unemployment in Switzerland as a whole, this rose to 2.5 per cent in November after having been at 2.4 per cent since May.