
Most popular names, numbers of firms and farms, all able to be found

Yet again, the Facts and Figures about the Canton of Zug brochure has been published jointly by the Zuger Kantonalbank and the Cantonal Office of Statistics, listing a wide range of interesting information.

For example, Nino, the short form of the Italian name Giovanni, was the most popular name for boys born in the canton in 2017, Mia being the most popular name given to girls.

As to population, whereas there were 123,925 people living in the canton in 2016, this rose to 125,421 by the end of 2017. Most municipalities recorded an increase in population, except Walchwil, down by 36, and Hünenberg, down by 54.

As for medical provision, what is interesting to note here is that, while the number of general medical practices decreased from 79 to 75 in the five-year period leading up to 2017, the number of specialist medical practices increased to 129, up by ten on the previous year.

When it comes to the quality of the air, the number of hours when ozone levels were unacceptably high amounted to 300 last year, higher than in previous years.

On the business side, there were 31,919 firms registered in the canton last year, compared with 31,249 in 2016.

As for tourists to Zug and where they come from, what was interesting here was the increase in visitors from India. While 7,358 came here from there in 2016, the number increased to 13,768 last year, an increase of 87.1 per cent.

The number of farms in the canton has been falling for several years. In 2006 there were 618, whereas last year there were 58 fewer.

As to standards of hygiene in eateries and other food outlets, these were considered unsatisfactory in eight of them in 2016, compared with 12 last year, or 1.8 per cent of those monitored.