Iten-Arnold Elektro AG is able to assist you as an electro-installation company in all your electrical issues and needs.

Today’s company with more than 35 employees and over 100 years of experience, competency and innovation within the electro-business stands for clean and reliable work as well as for prompt service.

Our services include:

In our shop in Ägeri you'll find:


We believe that the satisfaction of our clients enabled our company to grow for 100 years and this has to be continued.




Iten-Arnold Elektro AG
Gewerbestrasse 20
6314 Unterägeri
Tel.: +41 41 750 23 23
Fax: +41 41 750 48 50
Iten-Arnold Elektro AG
Zugerstrasse 25
6314 Unterägeri
Tel.: +41 41 750 23 23
Fax: +41 41 750 57 94