Switzerland, 26.03.2020

Update from Federal Ofice of Public Health

New coronavirus: Current situation – Switzerland and international

Information on the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus and those who have died as a result of the infection, as well as the report on the epidemiological situation in Switzerland, can be found here.

Current situation in Switzerland

Confirmed in Switzerland, 25.3.2020, 8.15 am:

Infected: 9765 people
Died: 103 people

The top priority for the Swiss Federal Council is the health of the public

The aim should be to make sure that people are better protected from the novel coronavirus, especially those who are at a higher risk of becoming severely ill. We can all help by following the recommendations (both the new ones and those issued previously):

You will find detailed information on the “Protect yourself and others” site or at www.foph-coronavirus.

Current situation – International

As of 26 March 2020, 7 am

Cases of new coronavirus infections have been confirmed in more than 180 countries or regions.


Infected: more than 74,000 people
Died: 7,503 people


Infected: more than 471,000 people
Died: more than 21,000 people

In the majority of cases the illness is mild. However, people aged over 65 and those with an existing pre-illness could become seriously ill.

Federal government links

FDFA: Coronavirus – News

EDA: Fokus Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

FOCP: alert.swiss (ongoing events)

Additional links: Switzerland

Safetravel: medical advice for travellers (in German or French)

HUG Geneva Virology Laboratory

Additional links: international

WHO: Coronavirus

Disease Outbreak News der WHO

WHO Technical documents for novel coronavirus

WHO advice for international travel

Risk assessment of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ECDC

ECDC: Infographic COVID-19

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE