Canton Zug, 31.01.2025

The sirens will howl again on 5th February

The alarm sirens in Switzerland are always tested on the first Wednesday in February.

In the canton of Zug, the Civil Defence Administration (Zivilschutzverwaltung) will test the 48 stationary sirens and their triggering via central remote control between 1.30 pm and 2 pm on Wednesday, 5th February 2025.

The siren test ensures that the population can be alerted in good time in the event of danger.

The alarm sirens are tested every year        Photo: Stefan Kaiser

The ‘General Alarm’ signal will be triggered throughout Switzerland at 1.30 pm. According to the Civil Defence Administration, this consists of a regular ascending and descending wailing tone lasting 1 minute, which is repeated 4 minutes later. The sirens will then sound a second time at 1.45 pm. The 25 mobile sirens will be checked by the municipal fire brigades.

The population does not have to take any action during the siren test.