Hünenberg, 07.01.2020

Original plans of the Martin Schuler project are outdated

The opinion of the Hünenberg town council regarding the “Against the ‘Chueweid’ animal factory” petition is now available. There is no need to follow the demands of the petition, and the original project of the farmer, Martin Schuler, has not been processed further.

The Fluid Spirit association mobilised heavily with its “Against the ‘Chueweid’ animal factory” petition, which received more than 12,000 signatures, including almost 1,400 from Hünenberg. The petition was submitted to the local council on November 4. The group of animal rights activists around President Danielle H. Jolissaint summarised their demands that any expansion or enlargement in connection with the Chueweid farm in Drälikon should be prohibited, including the corresponding zoning and special regulations. The farmer, Martin Schuler, was planning a new barn for his Jersey cattle on his farm in the Reuss plain.

The Hünenberg town council has now given its opinion on the petition, and has confirmed that the Interfarm GmbH project as addressed in the petition is no longer up-to-date. Interfarm GmbH, owned by Martin Schuler, has not carried out any further work on this project since the pre-project phase. The dairy farmer and SVP cantonal councillor already told our newspaper last September that the project had been re-dimensioned. It was important for him to build the new barn outside the groundwater protection zone. The existing barn is in this zone, which is a problem.

According to the municipality's announcement, Martin Schuler has also submitted an opinion on the petition. In this, he states, among other things, that the relocation of dairy cattle from the water protection zone has priority, and that the project addressed by the Fluid Spirit association is a preliminary project as part of the planning phase. The project visualisation worked out by the Fluid Spirit association was over-dimensioned, and the surrounding greening does not correspond to the planned project. The association also doubled the number of cows.

Farmer Martin Schuler's plans to build a large hall as a new stable for his dairy cows are outdated. Relocating his dairy cattle from the water protection zone is now his priority, he says.

In its response, the local council briefly explains how such projects are usually carried out and processed. "If you want to build in the agricultural zone, you always have to work with the cantonal authorities," it writes. "A construction project of the size referenced by the Fluid Spirit association would require the establishment of a special agricultural zone."

The permit takes into account the interests of the population, animal welfare, the legal requirements and the environmentally-friendly use of the landscape. The enactment of a special agricultural zone would require a change to the zoning plan, over which the Hünenberg voters would have to decide. In addition, the voters can also give their opinion within the framework of the prescribed public participation. Last but not least, the municipal council emphasises that the relevant legal remedies are available within the framework of the building permit procedure. "The municipal council is convinced that this approach and the involvement of the population will ensure the transparent and open handling of a project such as that of Interfarm GmbH."

It concludes by stating that, in principle, the local council is interested in seeing the current dairy farm moved out of the groundwater protection zone. "The local council is also aware that this must be a balanced project that blends in well with the landscape and takes as much account as possible of the interests of everyone involved." But there was no way to hinder a project that has been designed to meet the current laws from the very outset, as requested by the petitioners. The petition should therefore not be followed up.

One thing is certain: The new building plans in Drälikon will keep the municipality of Hünenberg occupied for some time yet. Martin Schuler said last September that he expects to bring together all the prerequisites for his project in 2020.

The farmer provides information about his project on www.chueweid-huenenberg.ch.