Canton Zug, 17.11.2022

Make sure you’re visible when on the road in the dark

Working together with the Touring Club Switzerland (TCS), the Zug police have carried out two sets of lighting checks in recent days. Vehicle drivers, cyclists and pedestrians were thereby sensitised to the topic of "visibility".

On Thursday evening (3 November 2022), the focus of the lighting checks was on the riders of 2-wheel vehicles and pedestrians. Around 100 e-scooters, cyclists and e-bike riders were checked on the Schleifeweg in the city of Zug. The lighting was found to be poor or non-existent in the case of seven 2-wheel riders. Where possible, the lights were repaired or replaced on the spot. At the same time, all the two-wheel riders were made aware of the issue of visibility.

The second lighting check took place on Thursday evening (10 November 2022) on the Sinserstrasse in Cham. This time, the focus was on motorised individual transport. Of the dozens of vehicles that passed through the checkpoint, 14 were traveling with a broken light. TCS specialists were able to repair the faulty light source on the spot in 11 cases. In the remaining 3 cases, the Zug police issued a complaint report.

The police give the following tips for making yourself visible at night:

Source: Zug Police