Walterswil, 18.02.2019
International School of Zug and Lucerne to sell off former Trumpf building
The International School of Zug and Lucerne (ISZL) has announced it is to sell off the former Trumpf building it owns on Ruessentrasse.
It was in December last year that the school announced its intentions to sell this building, though when a journalist of the Zuger Zeiting recently attempted to find out more, this was not possible as the school was on holiday.
However, it was known that, in January of this year, the school had been in contact with the council in Baar in connection with the possibility of the construction of a new access road and a temporary car park. The school also mentioned it looked forward to further partnership with the Don Bosco Foundation, whose site it occupies, and the municipality of Baar, and that it (ISZL) was looking to more long-term solutions.
It was back in 2016 that the school announced its intentions to construct a new building to replace temporary ones, a multi-purpose gymnasium with corresponding outdoor area (also for use by local teams), a multi-storey car park, as well as to set up a double kindergarten. As for the new access road, this was to have been built leading directly off Sihlbruggstrasse, leading to a new Walterswilerstrasse being laid, meaning the current access road would in future only be used for pedestrians and slow-moving traffic. It was also planned that the outdoor area adjacent to the new gymnasium would be used as a dropping-off point for pupils.
That the school is to remain on this current Don Bosco Foundation site was met with a positive reaction by its vice-chairman, Paul Langensegger. “What we need to do now is to sit round a table to see what future developments there can be,” he said.
According to Jost Arnold, the head of planning in Baar, the council had put pressure on the school to improve its access road but looked to a positive outcome.
It is not yet clear what ISZL’s immediate plans are; indeed, neither the council nor the Don Bosco Foundation know, either. What they all agree on is that a solution to the current the traffic chaos there at the start and end of the school day must be found, with access being improved. Once this is done, then it was hoped a solution relating to the temporary buildings would be forthcoming.