Zug, 04.06.2021

I have never questioned the existence of the virus

Comedian Marco Rima spent three days in hospital in a corona ward. He maintains his criticism of the health policy measures – and expresses scepticism about the vaccination campaign.

He and his family were probably infected with the corona virus at Christmas, says comedian Marco Rima in an interview with the Sonntagszeitung. The infection was discovered by chance during a hospital visit, after which he spent three days in the corona ward. His 82-year-old mother also tested positive. He himself came through the disease well, but suffered from fever and nausea for a few weeks.

Has re-appeared and is still sceptical: comedian Marco Rima fears a "compulsory vaccination through the back door”
Boris Bürgisser

Marco Rima withdrew from the public eye after drawing attention with his public criticism of the health policy measures imposed to combat the pandemic. Rima defends his position in an interview,. "I never questioned the existence of the virus," says Rima. " And I was fully behind the Federal Council in the initial phase." But you also have to show respect to people who think that certain measures do not make sense. "Instead, people who expressed dissent were immediately discredited by being referred to as 'corona deniers (Corona-Leugner), which is, of course, a reference to 'Holocaust deniers', or as 'Covidiots'," says Rima.

When asked about his stance on the vaccination campaign, Rima was also sceptical. He fears that compulsory vaccination is being introduced through the back door. "Many people are only allowing themselves to be vaccinated because they want their freedoms back, and not because they are convinced that this will benefit their health."