Zug, 14.11.2024

Green light for standardisation of the management structure

Nothing now stands in the way of the management reorganisation at the Theatre Casino Zug. As of 1st July 2025, the TMGZ will assume overall responsibility for the cultural establishment by Lake Zug.

The members of the Theatre and Music Society Zug (TMGZ) have given the green light for the unification of the management structure at the Theatre Casino Zug. For historical reasons, the theatre has been run by two different bodies for many years. On the one hand, the Stiftung Theater Casino Zug (STCZ) as the actual operating company and landlord of the premises and, on the other hand, the TMGZ , which was responsible for the programme.

The disadvantages and difficulties of this unusual dual structure gradually became more and more apparent – and a reorganisation was urgently needed to ensure that the theatre could continue to be run on a stable foundation. As part of the renewal of the service agreements with the city of Zug for the years 2024 to 2027, the Grand Municipal Council (Grosse Gemeinderat) instructed the STCZ and TMGZ to merge the two previous sponsorships, with overall responsibility now lying solely with the TMGZ.

The Zug Theatre Casino will now have a single management organisation

Deadline: 1 July 2025
The last hurdle for the implementation of ‘Project Sponsorship 2025’ and consequently for the amendment of the Articles of Association was the approval of the TMGZ members. They decided on this important step at the Annual General Meeting last Thursday, the 7th November.
Of the 85 voting members present, 82 voted in favour (1 'no' vote, 2 abstentions), as the TMGZ writes in its press release on the AGM.

The Board of Directors is thereby officially authorised to take over the operational tasks, the employment relationships and other contractual relationships, as well as the foundation assets of the Theatre Casino Zug Foundation in full and to manage the Theatre Casino Zug as the sole sponsor in addition to the event programme.

The effective date of the final transfer of management to TMGZ is 1st July 2025.