Zug, 01.04.2019

Green Liberal Party calls for upgrading of promenade area

The Green Liberal party is calling for the city council to upgrade the promenade area by the lake shore so people can sit down and enjoy the spectacular sunsets from there.

The Seepromenade is also known as the Katastrophenbucht (catastrophe bay) as it was here on 5 July 1887 that a 150-stretch of the lake defences collapsed, causing sudden flooding and 35 buildings to be destroyed, leaving 650 homeless and several people dead (third photograph).


As members of the GLP explained, the effects of this catastrophe are still evident to this day, Seepromenade being notably interrupted and incomplete. While there have been plans to upgrade it before, these have not been implemented for financial reasons. Pedestrians still have to lower their heads when walking under it, and parts of it still get flooded, meaning it has to be closed at times; then there that unpleasant smell.


Hence the GLP party has written to the council with a number of proposals, indicating how inviting the Seepromenade could look, not least by enclosing photographs of how such waterside places look in Brunnen in the canton of Schwyz (first photograph) or in Schwäbisch Gmünd, in the German state of Baden-Württemberg (second photograph).


These proposals include a better integration of the ship jetty there into the promenade, more direct access to it from the nearby Rigiplatz recreation area by means of a subway, and consideration about what to do with the public toilets there, all to enhance the area without loss of its historical significance. In addition to these, the party is open to any other proposals people may have.