Canton of Zug, 16.01.2020

Government councillors deliver CHF 42,000 to the state treasury

The Government Council publishes an overview of the extra-official activities of its members every year. It thereby requires complete transparency.

The Zug government has always published the mandates, additional offices and other memberships or activities of its members. As from 2014, the list has also included information on the time required for these and the financial compensation for the individual mandates.

According to a statement by the government communication office, the activities of the Government Council in law through the Law on the Legal Status of Members of the Government Council (Rechtsstellung der Mitglieder des Regierungsrats) of 1 February 1990, and in the Law on the Remuneration for the Extra-official Work of Members of the Government (Extra-official Work Act = Nebenamtgesetz) of 27 January 1994. The basic principle is that a member of the government council must exercise his government mandate full-time. Additional (official) tasks must be compatible with the mandate as a government councillor. Extra-official mandates and all vested interests are also published in a register.

The Government Council of Zug delivers the income from their mandates to the state treasury.

The salary of the government council is also regulated in the Extra-official Work Act. In the case of fees or remuneration for extra-official activities, the rule is that all fees and remuneration from mandates that are exercised by a member of the government council on behalf of the Canton must be paid into the state treasury.

According to the announcement, around CHF 42,000 flowed into the state treasury in 2019.