Zug, 28.11.2019

Fine for Zug Women's Strike organisers

Several hundred participants took part in the Women's Strike demonstration in Zug on June 14th, and walked from the Hirschgehege to the Landsgemeindeplatz. Because some of the demonstrators walked on the road instead of the pavement, however, the public prosecutor of the Canton of Zug has fined the organisers, as the latter report. They now have to pay CHF 650. According to the report, the demonstration obstructed traffic for 10 minutes, which violated one of the requirements of the authorisation for the event. "Whether this was really a hindrance is debatable, however, because the cars were actually stuck in traffic anyway - as every working day at this time," argue the organisers.

                                       The strikers marching along the road

They have now sent an open letter to the Zug government. “Issuing these fines for such a minor transgression testifies to an incredible pettiness and small-mindedness, considering the political significance of this Women's Strike. It seems that Zug is the only canton that does not show any understanding for the fact that, due to the number of participants being greater than expected, some of them took advantage of the street space for a few minutes," said the women. They are now asking the government to pay the organisers a contribution of CHF 650 for their efforts. "We would like to point out that, with their unpaid work, a large number of women and men made this event possible. The disproportionate fines burden the finances of the Organisation Committee in an unpredictable manner.

Report by Zoe Gwerder