Canton Zug, 07.06.2019

Entered Switzerland as tourists and then worked illegally

In cooperation with the Department of Economic Affairs and Labour, the police in Zug recently checked several companies in various industries, as well as persons. Five workers were not properly registered in the notification procedure. The responsible persons have been called to account.

In two catering establishments in the city of Zug and the municipality of Cham, a total of three workers from the European area were found who did not have a valid work permit. The three men, from Italy and Estonia, were working as waiters, cooks and assistants. The operators of the two restaurant were each fined several hundred francs for violating the registration procedure.
As part of a check on persons in the city of Zug, an incorrectly registered Hungarian prostitute was also detected. She was forbidden to continue working and was fined several hundred francs for violating the registration procedure.
The authorities also checked a beauty salon in the municipality of Baar, and found a Czech citizen working as a beautician without a work permit. A second check carried out a few days later found that, despite the fines, the operator continued to employ the worker without the required registration. She was then fined several thousand francs in total due to the continued violation.