The blue waste bags are the only ones you may use to dispose of your garbage in the assigned bins at your place of residence. In some cases, especially for houses, garbage bags will be collected from the sidewalk on the designated day of collection. Compost bags are to be disposed of in a separate green bin. All bags can be purchased at supermarkets.
Recycling is an integral part of waste disposal in Switzerland. In the beginning it can seem complicated, but once you understand how the overall system works and create your own system, it becomes routine. Please note that unlike garbage, recycling will not be picked up at your residence. Instead, you must take your recycling to centers or stores that have designated bins for specific items.
There are several recycling centers called Ökihof around the canton of Zug, where your items must be separated into paper, cardboard, plastic, aluminum, glass and PET bottles. You will find locations and opening times here. Another possibility to recycle is through the Ökimobil, which stops by different neighborhoods once a week to collect all of the above items. The only exception is paper, which is collected separately as long as it is bundled together and tied with string. The Ökimobil timetable can be found here. The waste disposal leaflet for your municipality can be obtained at your local "Gemeinde", it shows all of the various timetables for garbage collection and the various recycling options.
The Ökihof Zug has a second-hand store called the Brockenhaus, which is open Wednesday to Saturday. The Brockenhaus will also take items which you no longer require throughout the week during regular Ökihof opening hours, provided that these items are in good condition and working order and can be re-sold.