
Personal data on the silver platter

Data from people living in Zug is given to third parties. To whom, that is up to the offices themselves to decide. Reason enough for some Zuger to get goose bumps, just knowing that their personal data is being given out. In Cham, it is not a secret that names and addresses of all new arrivals are given to political parties. In the city of Zug, it’s a bit different. Data is given out, but not to political parties.
According to Melanie Schenker of the Zuger Einwohnerkontrolle, only third parties who have an ideal use for the data can receive the data. The question is, what constitutes ideal use? Often it is neighbourhood clubs or scouts who wish to acquire new members and so ask the city for the data. Whoever does not wish the city to pass on their data can stipulate that their data will not be passed on to third parties.
Source: Neue Zuger Zeitung