Zug, 01.01.2018

Chröpflimeh singing - love songs for young lovers

Chröpflimeh Singing from 5.30 pm on Sunday 18 February 2018 in the Zug old town

On the Sunday after Ash Wednesday, known as "men's carnival Sunday", groups of singers and musicians in costume gather at dusk in the old town of Zug.
It used to be customary at the stroke of midnight on Shrove Tuesday for dancing and masquerading to stop. Male dancers would then invite their female partners for something to eat, and on the following Sunday, the ladies reciprocated by serving them coffee or wine with doughnuts. Friends and relatives were informed and came to serenade the young couple in return for doughnuts and wine. As they often asked for "meh Krapfe", or more doughnuts, and the custom came to be known as "Chropflimeh".
Since World War II, the traditional costume group of the city of Zug has organised this event, arranging for groups of singers to go to the homes of couples who would like a traditional serenade and who are willing to serve doughnuts and wine from the window for the privilege.

Source and Photographs: www.zug-tourismus.ch