
German language CoderDojo @ Thomson Reuters

CoderDojo is a global community of free programming clubs for young people. Run all over the world they give young people the opportunity to explore technology in a fun environment whilst learning how to develop computer code, websites, apps, programs, games, and digital media. In an ever changing technological world, coding provides essential skills for careers in industries as far ranging as architecture and fashion, graphic design and gaming and will undoubtedly provide skills for careers that don’t even exist today.

Local company Thomson Reuters, has been running English and German language CoderDojos since March 2016.

The next event on the 23rd of June  will be held in German.

This will be a parent and child Dojo for kids from second to sixth grade.

There will be 3 morning and 3 afternoon sessions. These sessions will be:

As Thomson Reuters is committed to supporting women in technology, half of the spaces at the Dojo will be reserved for girls.

Register here